Archive footage shows Bruce Lee’s early acting career and displays his extensive knowledge of martial arts.
Underground no-budget film by independent filmmaker Sarah Jacobson about a 19-year-old girl who is so sick of sexist men, she kills them…
An acid trip for a 1960s West Village painter ends with the lifeless body of his cabaret dancer lover on the floor and a memory hole of how she died.
Released from jail after being wrongfully convicted, a pimp takes on the criminals and corrupt police officers who framed him with the help of some female karate warriors.
Dolemite travels to Shaolin to help the monks defeat and evil band of ninjas who hope to take over the martial world.
Meanwhile in another part of the galaxy, later that same day, filmmaker Ernie Fosselius was giving birth to this iconic Star Wars parody…
A kung fu master seeks to avenge her brother’s death with the help of a notorious street fighter.
The sequel to For Your Height Only, the first Filipino James Bond spoof starring the one and only dwarf action star extraordinaire, Weng Weng.