Every year on the Fourth of July, we celebrate American Independence. It’s a day that represents the signing of our Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation, free from the king our nation’s founding fathers were on-the-run from. It was on that fateful day, July 4, 1776 (not […]
For the purposes of this video, I want you to think of “meth” as ALL DRUGS and “sex” as ALL SEX, whether straight or gay… Chem Sex (or “Chemsex”) is a term given to sex fueled by drugs, whether it’s to feel less inhibited or to enhance pleasure, or simply using drugs as a currency to […]
It was the second worst day of J. Edgar Hoover’s life. On May 2, 1969, Screw published Issue #11 with our infamous cover story, “Is J. Edgar Hoover a Fag?” — publicly calling-out the nation’s first FBI director and hero of the Conservatives, personally, on his sexuality, and the entire Nixon administration on its hypocrisy. This simple headline […]